Widget Control
General Icons
Expand the widget to fill the window
Toggle widget content
Edit Mode Icons
Show width and height sliders
Close the widget
Widget Type Specific Icons
Toggle show twitch chat
Adding Widgets
Adding widgets is done through the chat on the left side of the screen, which is collapsed by default
With the exception of the youtube widget, you need to include the keyword "open" and the widget type in the query.
You can open this widget with either "help" or "tutorial" if you get stuck
There are two ways to add a youtube widget
Using the search function. Example
"search Funny Cats".This will execute a search in the chat, showing the first 10 results. you can choose a video from there.
You can only use the search function if you are logged in
Using a youtube url. Example "open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
A reddit widget can be opened using the subreddit name. The reddit keyword must be in the query. Example "open reddit wholesomememes"
After a widget is opened, you can change which subreddit is being browsed using the search bar on the top of the widget
A twitch widget can be opened using the twitch channel name. The twitch keyword must be in the query. Example "open twitch vgbootcamp"
Using the , you can show and hide the twitch chat
A twitter timeline widget can be opened using the twitter user's name. The twitter keyword must be in the query. Example "open twitter HamillHimself"
The twitter feed will update with new tweets automatically
Open the latest Xkcd comic.Example "open xkcd"
Widgetify Piano
Open a virtual piano, audio powered by Tone.js.Example "open piano"
There is a sequencer also included, click on a cell to select it, then press a key (using keyboard), to populate it.
Play your song with the space key
Note: Does not display correctly on edge or IE